Advantages of ClearWave Air

ClearWave Air Test Standard

The ClearWave Air air purifier was developed to purify the air of airborne microbial contaminants that include airborne viruses and bacteria, as well as mould and fungus spores.

From the beginning, ClearWave Air decided to establish standardized test protocols, which can repeatedly determine the performance of a particular technology. ClearWave Air decided to use Intertek testing laboratories to perform identical standardized tests on the various prototypes that were submitted. This assured that a true comparison could be made between different air purification models and technologies. As its standard test organism, ClearWave Air decided to use Penicillium Citrinum mould spores.

Penicillium Citrinum

Penicillium Citrinum is one of the most common mould spores in our environment.

It is a mould spore that affects our fruits and vegetables and is present in any environment that is conducive to mould growth. Further, Penicillium Citrinum is one of the most UV resistant organisms, and as such, one of the most difficult organisms to destroy. Penicillium Citrinum requires 58 more times UV energy for a 90% inactivation than E.coli bacteria. (American Association for Aerosol Research) E.coli bacteria’s susceptibility is typical for most other airborne disease-causing bacteria, including Legionella, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Cholera, etc.

The significance of this is that any technology that can destroy Penicillium Citrinum is capable of easily destroying most other airborne viruses and bacteria.



Performance Test Report

We put 1.7billion spores in the chamber and killed the lot in 4 hours!

Test performed by Intertek

The ClearWave Air purifier was tested at Intertek. Intertek is a recognized global independent laboratory. They use a standard protocol for air purifier performance that was developed by them and vetted for years in the comparison of the microbial performance of literally hundreds of air purifying systems.



Motor Home Mould Test

In 2016, one of our customers purchased a ClearWave Air unit to maintain clean air in his beautiful 40 ft. motor home.

The photo below shows the Petri dishes before operation of the unit and after 6 days of running the unit in the motor home.



Field Tests

ClearWave Air purifiers have been field tested in many real life applications.

One significant test was conducted on an extremely mould-infested home on Mission Beach in San Diego. Due to faulty irrigation, the enclosed crawl space under the house was overgrown with mould. Before the contractors tore out the entire floor structure of the house, we were allowed to conduct mould tests before and after treatment with a ClearWave Air prototype.

The photo to the right shows the entrance into this crawl space. The soil, wood and insulation were heavily infested with mould. For the tests, we used Petri dishes that were provided and analyzed by Pro-Lab of Florida. The analysis showed the initial presence of three mould spores, Penicillium, Cladosporium and Alternaria.

Mould Spore Reduction

The attached graph shows the Penicillium mould spore reduction during treatment with just one small prototype for the entire house. After five days, the mould count was reduced by 96%. After twenty days, the Penicillium mould count was reduced to zero. It is noteworthy that to enter the house before treatment was nauseating and caused immediate respiratory symptoms. After five days, there was no more mould odour detectable.

The Pro-Lab report identified the three organisms collected in these tests:


Extremely widespread and common spore. Common in soil, dead plants, and foodstuffs. It is often found indoors growing on cellulosic materials and as settled dust on carpets, textiles, etc. Potential opportunistic human pathogen. Commonly recognized as type I (hay fever) and type III hypersensitivity pneumonitis.


Commonly found on dead plants, woody plants, food, straw, soil, paint and textiles. Common cause of extrinsic asthma (immediate-type hypersensitivity: Type I). Acute symptoms include edema and bronchiospasms; chronic cases may develop pulmonary emphysema.


Commonly found in soil, food, cellulose, and grains. It is also found in paint and compost piles. It may cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis and allergic alveolitis in susceptible individuals. Common cause of extrinsic asthma (immediate- type hypersensitivity: Type I). Acute symptoms include edema and bronchiospasms; chronic cases may develop pulmonary emphysema.

Competitors’ Product Testing Comparison

ClearWave Air instructed Intertek to purchase four of the most popular selling air purifiers on the market and test them against Penicillium mould spores side by side with a ClearWave Air unit.

The names of the competitor units are widely recognized by consumers and all four units are marketed as “Mould Destroying Air Purifiers.” Below is the graph showing the final results.

  • Unit C and unit D did zero percent mould reduction leaving 100% of the mould contamination in the test chamber’s air.
  • Unit B left 87% of the mould in the air.
  • Unit A left 27% of the mould in the air.
  • The ClearWave Air unit destroyed 100% of the mould spores.